Gems From Retronaut and Reblogging

Some, well, interesting photos reblogged from my all-time FAV! Retronaut. These 1950’s and 60’s specimens where um err… not only uncomfortable looking poses are modeled but they are compounded by the presence of odd props…take a lookie lookie…


Note the…I can’t even caption this! Ahhh this brush is so soft I’ll take a picture in my nightgown…um…ok?


Or this …Let’s use pretty much everything in the studio and be sure to crank your neck so you look like you may fall off the ladder and remember, smile 🙂

You know I saw this stellar blog post and I really wanted to share it with you but then I had this pang of guilt, is it ok to reblog? Do people do this regularly…I think so, but I don’t want to be hated by those I dearly love, follow, admire . So you know what I did? I googled it, yep , I entered “Is it kosher to reblog?” right in that little white box and of course google didn’t answer my question, it got all caught up on the word “kosher”! Like nobody uses kosher except in the context of Jewish culture ! Then rabbit trail of of gold paved trails! I found this blog post, it answered the question of all questions, it was the quintessential google search outcome of all outcomes “Are Unicorns Kosher?” well here is the answer…

Unicorns are kosher. There was an actual talmudic debate and the current consensus is that unicorns are kosher. There is no conclusion to this paragraph, I just wanted to announce that I belong to a religion whose clergy members thought it was important to decide whether or not we could eat unicorns and then concluded that yes, yes we could, as long as the meat is drained of blood and not eaten with dairy.

reblogged you’re welcome.